-----Original Message-----
From: Bridgette Riberdy
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:23 PM
To: clerks<clerks@citywindsor.ca>
<clerks@citywindsor.ca> Cc: Keith R. </clerks@citywindsor.ca>
<clerks@citywindsor.ca>Subject: Tonight's Council Meeting, April 14/20</clerks@citywindsor.ca>

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Good afternoon. There is a Public Meeting to consider an amendment to zoning by-law 8600 tonight, April 14th, File Number ZNG/5980

Z-020/19 with the Development & Heritage Standing Committee. We live at 3530 Baseline Road and this is a discussion of a hotel to be built, and sewer system. This directly affects our home, and ALL properties between the 8th and 7th Concessions of Baseline Road. We are writing to request a postponement of this meeting so that we may attend in person, and so all residents have an opportunity to attend and discuss.

Please confirm receipt of this email and that this meeting may be rescheduled.

Thank you.

Keith & Bridget Riberdy