10.1.15     Outside Lighting Facilities

Illuminated signs and exterior lighting installed on a lot to illuminate parking areas, driveways, loading areas, buildings or outside storage areas shall be so arranged as to direct light away from abutting lots and adjacent residential uses.


In addition to the general regulations outlined in subsection 10.1, the following additional regulations shall apply to certain specific uses permitted in subsection 10.1.1.

10.2.1      Automobile Repair Garages, Automobile Service Stations, and Gas Bars and Automobile Sales and Service Establishments

Notwithstanding any previous provisions of this By-law, where a lot is used for an automobile repair garage, automobile service station or gas bar, the following special regulations shall apply:



Interior Lot

Corner Lot

Minimum lot frontage

48.5 metres

48.5 metres

Minimum lot depth

30.5 metres

48.5 metres