A buffer strip with a minimum width of three (3.0) metres (9.84’) shall be provided abutting the side and rear lot lines, where the Hamlet Commercial Zone abuts a residential institutional or parks and open space zone, in compliance with subsection 5.25.
10.1.13 Loading Space Regulations
In addition to the requirements specified in subsection 5.31 and 5.32 of this By-law, the following provisions shall apply:
a) No loading space shall be located in nor open onto a front yard or any yard directly abutting a residential, institutional or parks and open space zone. If all yards abut such zones, then the loading space shall be allowed to open onto a side or rear yard.
10.1.14 Outside Storage
No outside storage shall be permitted in a front yard, however, display of goods may be permitted behind the required minimum front yard setback.
Outside storage shall be permitted in any side or rear yard provided it is to the rear of the front wall of any building, or where there is no building behind the minimum front yard setback.
No outside storage shall be permitted in any required minimum yard setback directly abutting a residential, institutional or parks and open space zone.