
Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on:

  1. densities and a mix of land uses which:
    1. efficiently use land and resources;
    2. 2. are appropriate for, and efficiently use, the infrastructure and public service facilities which are planned or available, and avoid the need for their unjustified and/or uneconomical expansion;

  2. a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment in accordance with the criteria in policy, where this can be accommodated. 


Planning authorities shall identify appropriate locations and promote opportunities for intensification and redevelopment where this can be accommodated taking into account existing building stock or areas, including brownfield sites, and the availability of suitable existing or planned infrastructure and public service facilities required to accommodate projected needs.

It makes efficient use of vacant land, as well as existing and planned resources, infrastructure, and transportation networks. The subject lands are an appropriate location for the proposed development, as they are located adjacent to a mix of commercial and residential land uses; they are located on a ‘Class II Arterial Road’ with access to public transit (Lauzon 10) at Banwell Road and Palmetto Street; and they are sufficiently sized to accommodate the proposed long-term care facility, while also providing appropriate building setbacks. The proposed development will make use of available existing municipal services.


Appropriate development standards should be promoted which facilitate intensification, redevelopment, and compact form, while avoiding risks to public health and safety.

The proposed long-term care facility is an efficient and compact form of development that is appropriately located along a higher-order road. The proposed development conforms to the standard implementing zone for long-term care facilities, save and except two minor site specific provisions for building setbacks. As discussed later in this report, the proposed zoning regulations represent appropriate development standards for the development of the subject lands. The proposed setbacks provide adequate separation between the proposed development and property lines. There are no risks to public health and safety.