From: hardeep singh
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 3:40 PM
To: Nwaesei, Justina <>
Subject: Re: Deployment in my street

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Dear Sir/Madam

I am reaching out to you to inform you guys my concern about the zoning change for 4100 7thconcession. They will be building a 4 storey hotel less than 100 feet from my home. I am taking the action to be apart of this decision making as I am against the zoning change. This draws great attention as I am concerned for the safety of my 2 young Kids and the rest of my family as well as the safety of the community. I have discussed this issue with other people living in the community and they are all against this project. I do not think a 4 storey structure would be a good plus point as it is an invasion to my privacy as well as the privacy of the people living in the neighborhood. I would also like to know about the meeting that will be taking place for action. Thanks

Hardeep Jhattu