Development & Heritage
Standing Committee April
14, 2020 Written

From: Bridgette Riberdy

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:25 AM
To: Nwaesei, Justina <>
Cc: Keith R

Subject: Public Meeting TODAY April 14th re Baseline/Sewers

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Good morning. I left you a telephone message Sunday morning requesting that you contact my husband, Keith Riberdy at his cell to confirm that the public meeting to be held today, April 14th at 4:30 at City Hall to consider an amendment to Zoning Bylaw 8600, is cancelled or is somehow otherwise being held. My husband and I (Bridget Riberdy) oppose the sewer system cost as this hotel building and sewer installation does directly affect us as we live at 3530 Baseline Road and the sewers are apparently to come from 8th Concession up to the 7th, which is directly in our path and the cost of the sewers that we were given is totally unacceptable and beyond possible, especially in this economic pandemic climate. We feel the increased crime that another hotel at this area would further bring to our neighbourhood is not worth it. As well, the traffic at the corner at 42 and the 7th is already unacceptable traffic volume, excessive and dangerous. We need better infrastructure first before this hotel should begin. There is NO need for a hotel in this area. Another issue the storm water from this proposed hotel will have to go through the same ditch that is already extremely overburdened and we are all flooding during heavy rains.

Please call my husband, Keith Riberdy at his cell to confirm. We look forward to hearing from you today.

Thank you.

Bridget & Keith Riberdy