exterior facade materials;

Geographic Eligibility

The Little Things Matter Program – Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant Program is applicable to the entire Community Improvement Project Area for projects that meet the program requirements outlined above.

Approval Authority

Given the small amount of the grant and the need to expedite the approval process, the City Planner will be the approval authority for the Little Things Matter Program – Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant Program.

The City Planner will document each approval and submit a description of each approval as a Communication agenda item to Council for information purposes.

Grant Calculatition

The amount of the grant will be determined based upon the total value of the defifined eligible costs divided by two, with the amount of the grant capped at $500 per project.

Grant Payment

Fifty percent (50%) of the Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant will be made to the grant recipient upon the City being satisfified that the grant recipient has complied with all terms and conditions of the application procedure, and delivered on the project by the mutually agreed upon deadline.

The remaining fififty percent (50%) of the Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant will be made to the grant recipient upon the completion of the project.

Grant Adjustments

The second fififty percent (50%) of the Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant may be reduced and/or withheld if the project has not made signifificant progress by the mutually agreed to milestones and/or deadlines.