9.2.8 Neighbourhood Residentitial Micro-Grant Program


The Little Things Matter Program – Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant Program is intended to provide some financial assistance to property owners and tenants to promote the maintenance and improvement of residential properties within targeted residential neighbourhoods in order to help improve the aesthetic quality and living conditions in the residential neighbourhoods surrounding the downtown core


The Little Things Matter Program – Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant Program will consist of a grant program whereby property owners and tenants will be eligible to receive a one-time matching micro-grant for 50% of the eligible costs, up to $500, for projects that result in minor residential building and/or property improvements that help to improve the aesthetic quality of and living conditions in the neighbourhood.

The Little Things Matter Program – Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant Program requires a 100% matching contribution by the property owner or tenant to the total cost of the eligible project.

The maximum grant per property will be $500, with a maximum of one application per property

Program Details

Applicants are eligible to apply for funding under this program, subject to meeting the general program requirements, the following program specific requirements, and subject to the availability of funding as approved by Council:

  1. The Little Things Matter Program – Neighbourhood Residential Micro-Grant Program will provide funds up to a maximum of $500 per project provided that the applicant can demonstrate a 100% matching contribution. The matching component can include any combination of volunteer labour, donated materials, donated professional services and/or cash.

  2. If the applicant is not the owner of the property, the applicant must provide written consent from the owner of the property on the application.

  3. The following types of exterior building maintenance and property improvement works are considered eligible for a grant under this program:

    • Complete yard clean up;
    • Cleaning, painting, repair or replacement of fences and fence components;
    • Cleaning, painting, repair or replacement of