Transportation Impact Study – Additional Comments based on Revised Conceptual Site Plan – Jeff Hagan – May 5, 2020

I thought I should call your attention to an issue with the relationship between the development application for 3175 Banwell and the detailed design for Banwell Phase 1 (Tecumseh to Palmetto) that Engineering is undertaking right now.

The site plan shows the proposed right-in/right-out entrance right near the transition point between the median and the two-way left turn lane. Here is an excerpt from the EA approved design - the hand-drawn red line shows the approximate location of the proposed access. North is right:

The access location shown in the revised site plan is a tricky spot for an access in the EA design. It's right at the transition point between the median and the two-way left turn lane, so for it to work as a right-in/right-out access or an all-moves access, modifications to the design for Banwell would be needed.

Engineering is planning to tender and construct the project this year, so the design should be completed very soon. They have taken existing and planned accesses into account, but they have not considered the unapproved requested new access for this application.

If access to Banwell is approved, Transportation Planning may request either changes to the access location (recognizing that this will have implications for the site layout) or off-site improvements.

The overall implications for this, that need to be addressed in either the revised TIS, an updated site plan, or both: