Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, May 11, 2020

THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Lots 23 and 24, Block D, Registered Plan 50, (known municipally as 1035 California Avenue; Roll No. 050-370-11600; PIN 01221-0237), situated on the west side of California Avenue between Davis Street and Girardot Street, from Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) to Residential District 2.2 (RD2.2) and by adding a site specific exception to Section 20(1) as follows:


For the lands comprising of Lots 23 and 24, Block D, Registered Plan 50, the following additional provisions shall apply to a double duplex dwelling or multiple dwelling:

  1. Lot Width - minimum                        17.0 m

  2. Side Yard Width - minimum               1.20 m
    [ZDM 4; ZNG/6044]” 


At the request of Chairperson Bortolin, a recorded vote is taken.

Aye votes: Councillors Bortolin, Holt, Morrison, and Sleiman, and Members Gyemi, Moore, and Rondot.

Nay votes: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: None.

Report Number: S 66/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13760

7.3. Rezoning - Al Shipley - 955 California - Z-003/20 ZNG/6045 - Ward 2

Adam Szymczak (author) – Senior Planner presents application.

Member Gyemi asks why there is a reduction in parking area separation from the dwelling. Mr. Szymczak answers that the reduction is to allow for better access to the parking area.

Member Rondot asks if the Univeristy of Windsor was asked to comment. Mr. Szymczak states that Public Notice was mailed to the University of Windsor.

Member Rondot asks if Administartion is looking to pave the alley. Mr. Hunt anwers that that issue of improving alleys would come up though Council.

Councillor Holt asks if the Applicant needs the two spaces in the front yard to meet the requirments. Mr. Szymczak states that the Applicant needs the parking spaces in the front yard to meet the parking requirements.

Councillor Bortollin asks what we currently use as a standard for alleys. Mr. Winters answers that there is a standard cross section for an alley.

Moved by: Councillor Holt