Development & Heritage
Standing Committee April
14, 2020 Written

From: Angie LaMarre

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:07 PM
To: clerks
<> Subject: Development & Heritage Standing Committee April 14, 2020 - File Number ZNG/5980 Z-020/19</>

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I am resident on Baseline Road. The neighbourhood and homeowners have concerns regarding the proposed amendment to zoning bylaw 8600

- Residential privacy - A four story hotel impedes on the homeowners privacy into their yards.

- Increased Traffic on the class B tar road with ditches, no street lights and no sidewalks for residents and families to safely walk along.

- Why a commercial development would require the residents in the area to bear the cost of new sewer costs and hookups?

We would like an opportunity to be heard and listened to as tax payers.

Thanks, Angie LaMarre