Consultation, stakeholder and public engagement is crucial to the success and effectiveness of the WAMP.

  1. A Steering Committee which would include City of Windsor staff and other stakeholders will be formed and consulted throughout the course of the study.

  2. Consultation with the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries, throughout the course of the study to ensure that Ministry requirements are met.

  3. Consultation with local citizens and organizations, Indigenous communities and local museums who are knowledgeable of the City’s history and archaeology. The consultant will be expected to follow up on leads regarding local archaeological resources that emerge during the study. The consultant shall review with internal and external stakeholders about their perception and opinion on the effective implementation of the current Archaeological Management Plan, identify deficiencies, and suggest future improvements.

  4. Stakeholders shall include but are not limited to:

    • City of Windsor (all affected Departments not limited to Planning, Building, Engineering, Operations, Parks, Facilities and Real Estate Departments)

    • Heritage Committee of the City of Windsor Development & Heritage Standing Committee

    • City of Windsor Department of Recreation & Culture

    • Museum Windsor

    • Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

    • Indigenous Affairs Ontario

    • Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH)

    • Indigenous Communities (to be verified with MHSTCI and MMAH) not limited to Walpole Island First Nation – Bkejwanong Territory, Caldwell First Nation, and Aboriginal Education Centre – Turtle Island at the University of Windsor

    • Ontario Archaeology Society – Windsor Chapter;

    • Essex County Historical Society;

    • University of Windsor – Anthropology & History;

    • Archaeological Approval Authorities in Neighbouring Communities (eg. Michigan State Historic Preservation Office)

    • Essex Region Conservation Authority

    • Planning Consultants in Windsor ;

    • Windsor Region Society of Architects

    • Windsor Construction Association;

    • Windsor Essex Home Builders’ Association;

    • Sun Parlour Treasure Seekers.