APPENDIX E – Consultations

The comments contained within this document are based on the original conceptual site plan dated February 23, 2020 circulated to departments and agencies on March 23, 2020. The revised conceptual site plan dated April 22, 2029 was circulated to Transportation Planning and Public Works for review and comment. Any additional comments regarding the revised conceptual plan are noted as such.

CANADA POST – Bruno DeSando, March 26, 2020

This development as described will receive mail delivery via a Community Mail Box in the area.


The functional servicing study submitted by the applicant is proposing to use the existing 1050 mm storm sewer on Banwell Road as the outlet to this site at a release rate of 38 L/s. The release rate was confirmed with RC Spencer Associates Inc. (retained by the City of Windsor to complete the engineering design of Phase 1 of the Banwell EA) and with Dillon Consulting limited (acting as peer-reviewer for the stormwater component).

RC Spencer and Dillon Consulting note:

“As long as the design for the proposed development area is considered in the Banwell storm design, then the 38 L/s is sufficient. For example, if the SWM design for the proposed development area is to be a pumped system, the prolonged pump out rate needs to be taken into consideration in the design of the Banwell system, including the impacts of a sustained hydraulic guideline. If the proposed development area is proposed to be a gravity outlet system, then the SWM strategy must take into consideration the potential of backwater effects on its system due to the surcharging of the future Banwell system during larger storm events.

In summary, the 38 L/s is adequate for an allowable release rate for the site.”

CITY OF WINDSOR – ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – RIGHT-OF-WAY DIVISION – Patrick Winters, April 17, 2020 (Revised May 20, 2020)

The subject lands at 3175, 3195 & 3215 Banwell Road, are designated Commercial Corridor by the City of Windsor Official Plan and zoned HCD2.1 by Zoning By-Law 8600. The Applicant is requesting an amendment to the Official Plan to change the land use designation on Schedule D: Land Use from Commercial Corridor to Residential, and an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 from Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) to Residential District 3.14 (RD3.14) and adding site specific provisions to permit a 3-storey 192 bed Residential Care Facility (aka Long-Term Care Facility) development. We have reviewed the servicing requirements of the subject parcel and offer the following comments.

This site is located within the boundary of the Banwell Corridor Environmental Assessment, which identifies property acquisition is required from this parcel. We understand that the required land conveyance(s) satisfying the requirements of the EA were completed in 2019 and are registered on plan 12R-27789. We note that the City of Windsor is currently undertaking detailed Engineering Design required for the implementation of the Banwell EA. The applicant is required to comply with the criteria carried under the current design.