Appendix E There is a 2100mmØ RCP sanitary sewer on Banwell Road and a 250mmØ santary sewer on Mulberry Road available to the site. There is also a 1050mmØ RCP storm sewer along Banwell Road. A functional servicing study for full municipal services (sanitary, storm, water) has been provided by the applicant which proposes to use the existing 250mmØ sanitary sewer on Mulberry Road as the sanitary outlet from this site. This is supported by Public Works. A reciprocal servicing agreement with the adjacent property at 3235-3295 Banwell Road is required.

Storm service is proposed to be provided by the existing 1050mmØ RCP storm sewer along Banwell Road at a rate of 38 L/s. This release rate has been confirmed with RC Spencer Associates and Dillon Consulting Limited as acceptable. On site storm water management is required to be completed in accordance with the Windsor/Essex Region Stormwater Standards Manual and site servicing plans, along with a site grading plan will be required. Clearance(s) are also required from ERCA as a portion of the property is within a hazard area regulated by the Conservation Authority.

Any redundant private drain connections are to be abandoned in accordance with the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P 1.3.3, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. A sanitary sampling manhole will also be required.

We note that the proposed site plan depicts a shared driveway with the property located to the south at 3235-3295 Banwell Road. Again, a reciprocal agreement for access and services is required. A Right-of-Way permit is required for any work on the right of way. New driveway approaches shall be constructed of concrete as per AS-204, complete with straight flares and no raised curbs within the right-of-way. Banwell Road currently lacks sidewalks as well as curb and gutter. Therefore, the applicant is required to contribute the sum of $20,500.00 towards the future construction of a sidewalk on Banwell Road, as well as a sum of $11,000.00 for the similar future construction curb and gutter.

In summary, we have no objections to this rezoning application, subject to the following; [Note: conditions can be imposed during site plan control]: