Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No concerns
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service has no concerns or objections with this application. The nature of it and the expected outcome from the closure will not create any discernible public safety issues.
Planning – Landscape Architect No objections
Parks & Facilities No objections
Public Works – Engineering The subject alley closure is approximately 4.87m wide, appears to be untraveled and composed of grass. The subject portion of street closure is approximately 7.01m wide, appears to be untraveled and composed mostly of grass. There are no municipal sewers or manholes located in the closure. There are hydro poles, utilities, guy wires and a Bell pedestal within the closure. An easement will be required for the utilities. Also, there appears to be fences encroaching with the closure. The driveway approach for 921 Belle Isle View Blvd encroaches into the alley. A permit will be required by the owner of 921 Belle Isle View to maintain the driveway approach to City Standard AS-221or AS-222. This alley and right-of-way appears to serve no useful purpose; therefore we have no objections to the closure
Public Works – Environmental No concerns
Public Works – Transportation Recommend keeping the right of way up to the front of the house to maintain sightlines and for future road realignment or reconfigurations
Transit Windsor No comments received.
Bell Canada No easement required
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. Easement protection required
Canada Post No comments received.
Rogers Communications No comments received.
Telus Communications No infrastructure in the area