Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, May 11, 2020

Member Gyemi asks various questions regarding adding a third floor. Mrs. Pillon-Abbs answers that there are three different concepts being proposed.

Member Moore asks if the Zoning will need to be changed back if the project doesn’t proceed. Mrs. Simion answers that the Zoning would have to be changed back.

Member Rondot asks why a single concept has not been decided on with the development. Mrs. Pillon-Abbs states that the Zoning change allows all three of the concepts.

Councillor Holt asks what the differences are from the Lodging Facility and Residential Apartment. Mrs. Pillon-Abbs answers that the characteristics of the building will remain the same and if the third floor is added the facade will also not change the characterisitc of the building. Lodging house is a dwelling with a maximum of four persons not including staff.

Councillor Holt asks if the applicant is leaning towards a senior retirment home, would the applicant be in agreement with removing the Lodging House from the list. The applicant, Mr.Ferrari states that he does not know which they will be licensed for and would like to keep all three concepts in the application.

Councillor Bortollin asks to outline the process of the application if it was approved and if the neighbours have an oppurtunity to ask questions. Mrs. Simion answers that once this application is approved (any of the 3 concepts submitted), it will go to Council and then to Site Plan Control. There is no restrction and the neighbours will not be consulted.

Mr. Rondot asks if the applicants can provide a more specific application and bring it back to the next meeting. Mrs. Vendrasco states that it can be and it would be a decision for the Committee to make. Councillor Bortollin asks if that application can be denied when it goes to Site Plan Control. Mr.Hunt answers that the use would have to be established already.

Councillor Bortollin asks if we can put qualifiers on the term Rooming House. Mr. Szymczak states that it is spectrum of things. There is not much that can be done with the definiation.

Councillor Holt asks the applicant if he would rather remove Lodging Facility to Site Specific or refer it to the next meeting. Mr. Ferrari questions if there is a way of limiting the defintion.

Councillor Holt asks if we did a Site Specific Zoning with Lodging Rooming House removed, would they move forward with Residental Apartment. Mr. Szymczak states that it is a spectrum of things; Residental Care, Loding House and Multiple-Use Dwelling.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Gyemi

Decision Number: DHSC 157