Appendix F Consultations

The subject lands are located at 930 Marion Avenue, designated “Mixed Use” by the City of Windsor Official Plan and zoned Institutional District 1.4 (ID1.4) by Zoning By-Law 8600. The Applicant is requesting an amendment to change the zoning of the subject property to Residential District 3.15 (RD3.15) to permit either a Lodging House, Multiple Dwelling or Residential Care Facility.

The site may be serviced by a 375mm brick combined sewer fronting Marion Avenue and a 750mm RCP storm sewer along Niagara Street. If possible existing connections should be utilized. Any redundant connections are to be abandoned in accordance with the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P 1.3.3. Storm water management and a site grading plan will be required demonstrating storm water runoff will be restricted to pre-development flows.

The Official Plan classifies Marion Avenue and Niagara Street as Local Roads, requiring a right-of-way width of 20.1m. The current right-of-way widths conform to these standards, therefore, a land conveyance is not required.

There is not record of an encroachment agreement for the existing school bus lay-by which is encroaching into the Marion Avenue right-of-way. Lay-bys are not permitted for residential applications and will be removed under the Marion Road Municipal project. The owner will also be required to contribute to the City of Windsor’s alley maintenance fund in the amount of $1000.00. Driveways to be constructed as per AS-204, complete with straight flares and no raised curbs within the right-of-way. Redundant curb cuts shall be removed and restored in accordance with City Standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

In summary we have no objection to the proposed redevelopment, subject to the following requirements (Requirements can be enforced during site plan control):

Site Plan Control Agreement – The applicant enters into an agreement with the City of Windsor for all requirements under the General Provisions of the Site Plan Control Agreement for the Engineering Department.

Redundant Curb Cuts – The owner agrees to remove and replace the redundant curb cut on Marion Avenue with full height curb to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Alley Contribution – The owner agrees, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, to contribute the sum of $1000.00 payable to the City of Windsor and deposited in the General Fund intended for the upkeep of alleys within the City of Windsor.

Existing Sewers and Connections - The owner further agrees, at its entire expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer:

  1. To undertake a video inspection of the mainline sewers that will be used by the subject property and all connections to the mainline sewers that service the subject property.

  2. Any redundant connections will be abandoned according to the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P.1.3.3.

  3. Any new connections to combined sewers will follow City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P.1.1.1.