Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, March 9, 2020

  1. THAT the request of 2498655 Ontario Inc. for an exemption from the provisions of Interim Control By-law By-law 78-2019 for the property at 3690 Munich Court BE APPROVED.

  2. THAT Council AMEND By-law 78-2019 by adding to Section 6 the following:

    “c) 3690 Munich Court - North side of Munich Court, east of Twin Oaks Drive

Part of Farm Lots 135 & 136, Concession 2; Part 4, Plan 12R-26008; PIN 01408-2091; Roll No. 070-650-00922”

Report Number: S 15/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528

7.7. Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-4 - 2513821 Ontario Inc. - 3490 Marentette Avenue - Ward 9

Adam Szymczak (author) – Senior Planner is available for questions.

Bryon Chillman (agent) – McTague Law Firm is available for questions.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Moore

THAT the report of the Senior Planner dated January 28, 2020, entitled “Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-4 – 2513821 Ontario Inc. – 3490 Marentette Avenue – Ward 9” BE DEFERRED to the April 14, 2020 Development and Heritage Standing Committee meeting to allow the applicant to meet with administration related to details in the application.

Report Number: S 16/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528 

7.8. Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-5 - David & Susan Valihora - 2445 Sydney Avenue - Ward 9

Adam Szymczak (author) – Senior Planner is available for questions.  

David Valihora (applicant) – presents application and is available for questions.

Moved by: Member Rondot

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: DHSC 137

THAT the report of the Senior Planner, dated January 28, 2020 entitled “Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-5 – David & Susan Valihora – 2455 Sydney Avenue – Ward 9” BE REFERRED back to administration to allow for the applicant to meet with administration regarding mitigating