Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, March 9, 2020

PIN 01560-2634; Roll No. 070-150-00205.

Councillor Sleiman and Member Gyemi voting nay.

Report Number: S 25/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528

7.10. Zoning By-law Amendment 3756 Howard Avenue ZNG/5982 (Z021/19) - ADE Development & Leasing Corp. - Ward 9

Jim Abbs (author) – Senior Planner is available for questions.

Karl Tanner (agent) – Dillon Consulting is available for questions.

Member Gyemi asks what the style of design will be for this development. Mr. Tanner answers that it will be single storey semi detached units.

Councillor Morrison asks if Howard Avenue is the only access for this development. Mr. Abbs states there will also be access through Sandison Street, through a block that will connect to Clara Street. Mr. Abbs directs Councillor to page 245.

Councillor Morrison is Clara Street will take the bulk of the traffic. Mr. Abbs states that Howard Avenue will be the primary access.

Member Rondot states that there is a request on a condition that Clara Street continue through the street and asks if the applicant would agree to that. Mr. Tanner answers that there are two options and they would agree to both.

Member Gyemi asks how the density compares to single detached dwellings and would like comments on the setbacks. Mr.Tanner states that a range of housing types is needed in South Windsor. Mr. Abbs states that providing different housing types allows people to stay in the area as they age. With regards to setbacks, they are appropriate and are specific to problem areas.

Member Rondot clarifies that the reccomendation is to use Clara Street as a roadway and Councillor Holt agrees.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 139

I. THAT an amendment to City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600 BE APPROVED, changing the zoning of Part of Block A, Registered Plan 1259; identified as Parcel A in Appendix A of this report from Residential District (RD) 1.1 and (Holding) Residential District (HRD) 1.1 to Residential District (RD) 3.1, with the following additional specific regulations: