Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, March 9, 2020

For the lands comprising Part Lot 16, Plan 40 (PIN 012540243), known municipally as 3493 to 3499 Sandwich Street:

  1. A multiple dwelling shall be an additional permitted use.

  2. Section shall not apply.

  3. The maximum number of dwelling units shall be 6.

  4. Notwithstanding Section 24.20, the total number of required parking spaces shall be 6.

  5. Section 24.22 shall not apply.

[ZDM 4; ZNG/5942]

THAT the owner of the property located at 3493 to 3499 Sandwich Street BE REQUIRED to provide elevation drawings as part of the Site Plan Review process to ensure that alterations will not be irreversible to the commercial storefront facing Sandwich and South Streets when converting the existing commercial units to residential.

Report Number: S 237/2019

Clerk’s File: ZB/13674

7.3. Rezoning 4558 Ontario St., Applicant 2290017 Ontario Inc.

Simona Simion (author), Planner II – presents application.

Ester Mejczal (resident) – 940 Pillette Rd. – does not support the application and has various concerns such as; parking, traffic and infrastructure.

Donald Robb (resident) – 908 Ellrose St. – does not support the application and has various concerns such as; infrastructure, sewers, traffic and parking.

Scott Bergamie (resident) – 950 Ellrose St. – does not support the application and has various concerns such as; flooding, traffic, crime and infrastructure.

Jean Haidar (applicant) – 4558 Ontario St. – is available for questions.

Member Gyemi asks the applicant if the tree on the corner would be staying. Jean Haidar states he will save any trees he can.

Member Gyemi asks about the location of the buildings. Mrs. Simon states that this would be disscuseed during the Site Plan process.

Councillor Holt asks Administration to speak about the draininage and the sanitary sewage issues.

Mr. Pillon answers that the issues will be looked at once the applicaiton goes through the Site Plan Control process and there will be no additional storm water entering sewers.