Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, March 9, 2020

Decision Number: DHSC 131

  1. THAT Official Plan Amendment No. 130 as shown in Appendix A regarding new policies authorizing the use of additional dwelling units BE APPROVED; and,
  2. THAT an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 as shown in Appendix B permitting additional dwelling units BE APPROVED; and,

  3. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare the associated amending by-laws to implement these amendments.

Report Number: C 177/2019

Clerk’s File: ZB/13739 & ZO/13740

7.2. Zoning By-Law Amendments for 3493 to 3499 Sandwich Street; File Z-019/19 (ZNG/5960) Ward 2

Kevin Alexander (author), Planner III – presents application.

Jackie Lassaline (agent), Lassaline Consultants – is available for questions.

Wenji Bei (resident) – 3516 Sandwhich St. – would like clarification on the application.

Summera Kanwal (resident) – 3419 Sandwhich St. – has questions regarding the map provided.

Mr. Alexander will follow-up with Mr. Kanwal before the application is brought before City Council.

Member Moore asks if the existing store front windsows will be altered. Stuart Miller (MMA Architect) states that they plan to covert the front windows to residental type windows.

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Member Gyemi

Decision Number: DHSC 132

THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning on Part Lot 16, Plan 40 (PIN 012540243), known municipally as 3493 to 3499 Sandwich Street, situated on the northeast corner of Sandwich Street and South Street, from Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) and Residential District 3.1 (RD3.1) to Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2) and by adding the following site specific provision to Section 20(1):