d.c. McCloskey engineering ltd.

Corporation of the City of Windsor                                               05 November 2019 
Planning Department                                                                  Project No. M19-249
400 City Hall Sq. E.
Windsor, ON N9A 7K6 

Attention: Mr. Adam Szymczak, MCIP, RPP, Senior Planner 

Truck Terminal
6500 Cantelon Drive, Windsor, ON 

Dear Sir:

This letter has been prepared to amend the City of Windsor by-Law number 78-2019 (interim control by—Law) to request a truck terminal use be permitted on the property located at 6500 Cantelon Driivvee'i|n Windsor, ON.

As requested by your office, I am providing information on this property that will demonstrate this property is ideal for truck terminal use. These items are: 

  1. The 53-acre property currently has a 500.000 square foot plant and 20,000 square foot office facility that can be renovated to accommodate any size of warehouse required for the truck terminal use.

  2. The property is located in an industrial area with three sides of the property abutting developed industrial properties and a railway abutting the west property line. This rail can accommodate a future rail spur into this property as confirmed by CN and Essex Terminal Railways.

  3. The property currently has zoning permitting a truck terminal use.

  4. The property has a single driveway entrance from Cantelon Drive. Cantelon Drive has direct access; with not sops, to the signalized intersection at Lauzon Parkway. Lauzon Parkway provides direct access to E.G. Row Expressway and to the Ambassador Bridge and access to the 401 Highway via Manning Road.