The Acting Chair remarks a report will be forthcoming to City Council relating to pilot locations for red light cameras and photo radar.

B. Scheuerman suggests that community safety zones be declared in the BIA’s.

Clerk’s Note: The Province of Ontario has amended the Highway Traffic Act to provide municipalities and police services with an additional traffic management tool. Specifically Bill 26 – An Act to Promote Safety Through the Creation of Community Safety Zones was passed by the Ontario Legislature on June 26, 1998 Section 214 which reads:

“The council of a municipality may by by-law designate a part of a highway under its jurisdiction as a community safety zone if, in the council’s opinion, public safety is of special concern on that part of the highway.”

Moved by B. Scheuerman, seconded by L. Milec,

That the Business Improvement Areas in the City of Windsor BE DESIGNATED as community safety zones due to traffic issues and public safety.

4.2 Tourism Designation

I. Day reiterates the following as it relates to the WBIAAC Wayfinding Program: