across all of the BIA’s and not necessarily the tourism destinations as well as budgetary impacts or options for either full cost recovery on a shared basis (100% City, 100% BIA’s).

D. Croucher asks that the Planning Department report back on the dollars available in the capital fund for signage.

4.3 Director’s Insurance

D. Croucher and B. Scheuerman report their BIA’s are covered by Directors and liability insurance.

It is generally agreed the Chair will review the director’s insurance issue and will report back.

4.4 Alley Walk

An e-mail from Barry Horrobin, Director of Planning & Physical Resources, Windsor Police Services dated November 25, 2019 along with a document entitled “Public Alley Spaces in Urban Environments” is distributed and attached as Appendix “A”. B. Horrobin notes that an alley walkabout was recently facilitated with Lisa Milec (Walkerville BIA), Jake Rondot and Adam Coates, Planning. He asked the group to identify a prominent alley “couplet” to act as a pilot project for making wholesale improvements that could be expanded to additional alleys. Such a “couplet” would presumably be a strategically positioned alley section that borders both sides of a particular BIA’s main artery (Wyandotte Street East in the case of Walkerville).

The Acting Chair suggests a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) review be undertaken for all of the BIA alleyways. He adds it is the responsibility of the abutting property owners to clear the alleyways.

Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by D. Croucher,

That the information provided by the Director of Planning & Physical Resources, Windsor Police Services regarding ideas for optimizing public safety in alleyways BE RECEIVED.

4.5 Elimination of the Vacancy Rebate Program from all City BIA’s

Janice Guthrie, Deputy Treasurer – Taxation & Financial Projects provides the following comments regarding the elimination of the Vacancy Rebate Program: