7.2. Approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment for vacant land located on the southwest corner of Wyandotte St. E. and Florence Ave. intersection; File Nos. SDN-003/19 [SDN/5831] and Z-013/19 [ZNG/5875]; Applicant - VGA Investment Inc., Ward 7

Justina Nwaesei (author), Senior Planner – presents application and notes Amendment on Recommendation V. F (9) and V.F (10) to show Lots 34 to 42 instead of Lots 34 to 44.

Omar Abouhussein (resident) – 581 Elinor St. – has submitted email that indicates he has concerns with flooding.

Tracey Pillon-Abbs, Agent – supports application and is available for questions.

Councillor Morrison asks if Block 35 becomes City property and asked if the City of Windsor would be responsible to plant trees. Mrs. Nwaesei states that will become City property and City will be responsible to plant the trees. Councillor Morrison asks if there is a sidewalk on Florence Street. Mrs. Nwaesei confirms that there will be sidewalks and it is indicated within the report. Mr. Morrison asks if there are sidewalks on “Street A” and “Street B” of the development. Mrs. Nwaesei states that “Street A” and “Street B” are local roads and will need sidewalks on one side of the road and Florence Street requires sidewalks on both sides of the road.

Chairperson Bortolin refers to email from Mr. Omar Abouhussein and asks has the development mitigated the risks of potential flooding on Elinor Street. Mrs. Nwaesei states that she did speak with the author of the email and assured the resident that the proposal does not affect his property. Mrs. Nwaesei states that in the recommendation, it contains provisions that indicate that “the owner shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, that no negative impacts to the existing properties will be realized by the surrounding community before the proposed development will be allowed to proceed. Mrs. Nwaesei states that provisions were put in the report to protect the neighbours.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Rondot

Decision Number: DHSC 125

  1. THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of the lands described as Part of Lot 138, Concession 1, and further described as Block 35 on Map No. SDN-003/19-1, from Development Reserve District 1.1 (DRD1.1) to Green District 1.4 (GD1.4) subject to the following site specific zoning provision:


“For the lands comprising Part of Lot 138, Concession 1, and further described as Block 35 on Map No. SDN-003/19-1, sections 5.8.1 and 5.8.5 shall not apply, and site alteration is not permitted, except after the local Aboriginal communities are