See Items 7.1 and 7.2.


7.1. Amendment No. 129 to the Official Plan - Open House Policies - City Wide OPA/5902

Chris Aspila (author), Planner III – presents application.

Councillor Holt asks what caused the change for Open House Policies. Mr. Aspila states that as part of monitoring of the Official Plan, staff looked overall at communication with the public during the consultation process. This is the first of two amendments; the second will be regarding how we notify the public about Planning Act applications, which will follow once regulations are released by the Province. Mr. Aspila states that it is part of our ongoing maintenance and review of our Official Plan. Councillor Holt asks what changes we can expect to see with the Open House Policy. Mr. Aspila answers that this policy will effect applications that are more complex. Member Moore asks if there is an internal departmental policy that determines which project meets the Open House Policy. Mr. Hunt states that our senior staff and the planner involved with the application will discuss the application in a triage meeting.

Moved by: Councillor Morrison

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: DHSC 124

  1. THAT Official Plan Amendment No. 129 – Open House Policies BE APPROVED and Official Plan Volume I BE AMENDED by the details of the amendment shown in this report; and,

  2. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a By-law to implement Official Plan Amendment No. 129.

Report Number: S 153/2019

Clerk’s File: ZO/13669