Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, January 13, 2020

  1. THAT the request made by 2605385 Ontario Inc. on behalf of the property owner (i.e. AIPL Canada Holdings Inc.) to participate in the Brownfield Tax Assistance Program BE APPROVED for the proposed remediation and redevelopment at 1200 University Avenue West for up to 3 years pursuant to the City of Windsor Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan; and,

  2. THAT the request made by 2605385 Ontario Inc. on behalf of the property owner (i.e. AIPL Canada Holdings Inc.) to participate in the Brownfield Rehabilitation Grant Program BE APPROVED for 70% of the municipal portion of the tax increment resulting from the proposed redevelopment at 1200 University Avenue West for up to 10 years or until 100% of the eligible costs are repaid pursuant to the City of Windsor Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan; and,

  3. THAT, Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a tax cancellation by-law to implement the Brownfield Tax Assistance Program in accordance with the Municipal Act and that the draft tax cancellation by-law and appropriate information and material be sent to the Provincial Government for approval and request matching education property tax assistance for 1200 University Avenue West in accordance with the Provincial Brownfield Financial Tax Incentive Program; and,

  4. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare an agreement between 2605385 Ontario Inc., AIPL Canada Holdings Inc., and/or persons or companies that have legally been assigned the right to receive grant payments and the City to implement the Brownfield Rehabilitation Grant Program in accordance with all applicable policies, requirements, and provisions contained within the Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan to the satisfaction of the City Planner as to content, the City Solicitor as to legal form, and the CFO/City Treasurer as to financial implications; and,

  5. THAT the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Brownfield Tax Assistance and Rehabilitation Grant Agreements; and,

  6. THAT the approval to participate in the Brownfield Tax Assistance and Brownfield Rehabilitation Grant Program EXPIRE if the grant agreement is not signed by applicant within one year following Council approval. The City Planner may extend the deadline for up to one year upon request from the applicant.

Report Number: S 190/2019

Clerk’s File: Z/8955

11.2. Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan (CIP) application submitted by Celernes Investment Partners Inc. for 374 Ouellette Ave (Ward 3)