Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, January 13, 2020

19.The Owner(s) shall place the following warnings in all Offers to Purchase, Agreements of Purchase and Sale or lease between the Owner(s) and all prospective home buyers, and in the title:

  1. pective home buyers, and in the title: i) “Students from this area may not be able to attend the closest neighbourhood school due to insufficient capacity and may have to be bussed to a distant school with available capacity or could be accommodate in temporary portable space.”

20.The Owner(s) shall: 

  1. relocate any existing Bell Canada facilities or easements found to be in conflict with the proposed development;
  2. contact Bell Canada during detailed design to confirm the provision of communication/telecommunication infrastructure needed to service the development; and, where the required infrastructure is unavailable, the owner(s) shall agree to pay for the connection to and/or extension of the existing communication/telecommunication infrastructure or demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Chief Building officer that sufficient alternative communication/telecommunication will be provided to enable the effective delivery of communication/telecommunication services for emergency management services


  1. The applicant is directed to Section 51(39) of The Planning Act 1990 regarding appeal of any imposed conditions to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. Appeals are to be directed to the City Clerk and Licence Commissioner of the City of Windsor.

  2. It is the applicant's responsibility to fulfil the conditions of draft approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters are forwarded by the appropriate agencies to the City of Windsor, to the attention of the Executive Director/City Planner, quoting the above-noted file number.

  3. Required agreements with the Municipality will be prepared by the City Solicitor.

  4. The applicant should consult with an Ontario Land Surveyor for this proposed plan concerning registration requirements relative to the Certification of Titles Act.

  5. The final plan approved by the Corporation of the City of Windsor must be registered within thirty (30) days or the Corporation may withdraw its approval under Section 51(59) of The Planning Act 1990.

  6. All plans of subdivision/condominium are to be prepared and presented in metric units and certified by the Ontario Land Surveyor that the final plan is in conformity to the approved zoning requirements.