The subject land is adjacent to the multiuse trail to the west (Ganatchio trail) and bicycle lanes, bus stop plus sidewalks on Wyandotte Street, which support active transportation in the subject neighbourhood.

The proposed development meets the requirements for noise control measures and off-street parking requirements as found in Section – Residential Areas, OP Vol. 1.

Traffic Calming measures per section of OP Vol. 1, are incorporated in the General Provisions of the Subdivision Agreement.

Section of OP Vol. 1 states, “Council shall protect pollution control plants from incompatible development in accordance with the Environmental chapter of this Plan”.

The Official Plan in section prohibits residential, commercial, mixed use and institutional development within 300m of a Pollution Control Plant and states “The 300m distance shall be measured from the property line of the Pollution Control Plant to the property line of the proposed development.” As noted already in this report, the subject land is more than 300m away from the nearest property line of the Little River Pollution Control Plant land(s); therefore, the proposal is in conformity with s. of OP Vol. 1.

As discussed above, the proposed development is in conformity with s. (in the Environmental chapter) of OP Vol. 1; therefore, the proposed residential development is deemed compatible due to its adequate separation from the existing pollution control plant.

With respect to the Urban Design chapter of OP Vol. 1, the applicant’s consultant states, “The proposed development will be a natural extension of an established neighbourhood and will be designed to be similar to the existing residential dwellings including lot size, building area and scale.” Therefore, the proposal is anticipated to meet the Official Plan built form policy for infill developments as in section, OP Vol. 1.

SECTION 11.4.2, OP VOL. 1 – SUBDIVISION POLICIES (See Appendix B attached)

EVALUATION CRITERIA Council will evaluate a plan of subdivision according to the following criteria:

  1. Provincial legislation, provincial policies and applicable provincial guidelines;

  2. Conformity with the policies of this Plan, Volume II: Secondary Plans and Special Policy Areas and other relevant municipal standards and guidelines;

  3. Conformity with the recommendations of any support studies prepared as part of the application;

  4. The continuation of an orderly development pattern;

  5. Impact of the development on adjacent properties; and

  6. The requirements or comments of Municipal departments and public agencies or authorities.

The proposed draft plan of subdivision is consistent with the relevant policies of the PPS noted in this report and conforms with the relevant policies of OP Vol. 1 discussed above. Therefore, requirements under s. & (b) are satisfied.

The draft plan of subdivision and the development concept plan show that the proposed development will conform with the recommendations of the various studies submitted to the City as part of the subject rezoning and subdivision approval applications. This report contains recommendations that further ensure compliance with the recommendations of the studies received by the City. The proposed draft plan of subdivision will conform with s. upon execution of the subdivision agreement.