The above noted objectives of the OP are satisfied by the proposed development of low density and complementary range of housing form (semi-detached and single detached dwellings) on the subject land. The proposed draft plan of subdivision is an infill development, which by its very nature promotes a compact neighbourhood.

The Residential land use designation permits “Low, Medium and High Profile dwelling units.” (See section 6.3.2 of OP Vol.1). Based on the OP classification of “types of low profile housing” (s., the proposed semi-detached and single detached dwellings are deemed small scale form of low profile housing development and are, therefore, permitted in the Residential land use designation.

The proposed development is on a property with access to an arterial road (Wyandotte Street East) as well as access to a proposed collector Road (Florence Avenue extension). As noted already in this report, there are existing full municipal physical services available to service the subject land. Existing community services, open spaces and public transportation are already in, and near, the neighbourhood and can service the new development. The proposed development satisfies the locational criteria (s. of OP Vol. 1.

With respect to the evaluation criteria set out under s. of OP Vol. 1, the proponent has, in their consultant’s Planning Rationale Report, demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City Planner that the proposed development is

In analysing conformity with section (a) under the evaluation criteria, with respect to development constraints, it is important to note that the proposed development is within the Shoreline and Floodprone areas of the City and is in an area of High Archaeological Potential.

This report contains information confirming that the proposed development is feasible, having regard to the other provisions of the OP, provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines and support studies. Therefore, the proposed development meets the evaluation criteria set out under s., OP Vol. 1.

Section – Pedestrian Network, OP Vol. 1: The Official Plan requires the installation of sidewalks on at least one side of proposed local roads (Streets A and B) and installation of sidewalks on both sides of proposed Florence Avenue extension within the proposed development. Recommendation V (F) 6 of this report ensures compliance with the sidewalk requirements under s. (a) of OP Vol. 1.