The proposed draft plan of subdivision is an infill lot, which results in the continuation of an orderly development pattern in the subject area per s. The proposal will provide additional housing opportunities in the subject area. Potential negative impacts of the development on the adjacent properties have been mitigated satisfactorily through the stipulated conditions of approval in this report; therefore, s. is satisfied.

The requirements/comments of Municipal departments and public agencies or authorities have been considered per s.; see CONSULTATION section of this report.

SECTION 11.6.3, OP VOL. 1 – ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT POLICIES (See Appendix C attached)



The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment maintains conformity with the Official Plan and, based on the analysis provided in this report in response to s. of OP Vol. 1, the proposed development meets the Zoning By-law Amendment evaluation criteria set out above in s. of the OP.


The property is zoned Development Reserve District 1.1 (DRD1.1) in By-law 8600. The applicant is proposing to amend By-law 8600 by changing the zoning of the subject land from Development Reserve District 1.1 (DRD1.1) to Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) and Green District 1.1 (GD1.1). See above Rezoning Maps on page 11 of this report.

The RD2.1 category permits duplex dwelling, semi-detached dwelling and single unit dwelling, which are defined as low profile housing developments of the small scale form. The GD1.1 category permits Child Care Centre and Public Park. Categories RD2.1 and GD1.1 permit uses accessory to the listed permitted uses. See Appendix C attached.

Blocks 35 and 36 on map No. SDN-003/19-1 are the proposed land area for the GD1.1 zoning category. However, Block 35 contains natural heritage features (existing hedgerows) and cultural heritage value (Archaeological Potential Zone). On the other hand, Block 36 is intended to function as a dry pond for storm water management of the subject residential development. Requirements of various Ministries, Municipal Departments and External Agencies have prompted Planning Staff to consider alternative zoning categories for Blocks 35 and 36 on the draft plan.

Bylaw 8600 shows that Green District 1.4 (GD1.4) permits “Natural Heritage Area” and accessory uses to Natural Heritage Area and, as such, is a more appropriate zoning for Block 35; whereas, Green District 1.5 (GD1.5) permits “Stormwater Management Facility” and accessory uses to the Stormwater Management Facility and, as such, is a more suitable zoning