for Block 36. Therefore, it is recommended that the zoning for Block 35 be changed from DRD1.1 to GD1.4 and the zoning for Block 36 be changed from DRD1.1 to GD1.5.

To further address the comments of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) and Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports (MTCS) on Block 35, a site-specific zoning provision is recommended to exempt Block 35 from the “City of Windsor, Public Authority & Public Utilities” provisions - sections 5.8.1 and 5.8.5 of Zoning By-law 8600. In addition, no site alteration shall be permitted on Block 35, except after consultation with local Aboriginal communities has taken place and MNRF & MTCS clearances/permissions are obtained.

It is important to note the following zoning categories and permitted uses close to the subject land:

The proposed amendment will permit three new zoning categories RD2.1 and GD1.4 zoning on the subject land. The RD2.1 zoning category will introduce the same form of low profile housing development that is currently allowed in the surrounding residential lands to the north and east of the subject land.

Based on the information contained in attached Appendices E1 - Draft Plan of Subdivision and E2 -Proposed Site Layout Plan, the following have been determined:

A hold provision will be applied to ensure that development cannot occur on the site until such time as the final plan of subdivision is registered.

A draft by-law is attached as Appendix F.

Risk Analysis:

Financial Matters: N/A



Comments received from municipal departments, service units and external agencies are included in Appendix D. The applicant/owner shall satisfy all items as set out in the Results of Circulation (Appendix D) attached.