aware of the potential for the Nicodemo-Dupuis Site to be present in this location, and;

2. The Municipality will keep this area passive prohibiting activities that could impact the Nicodemo-Dupuis Site negatively within this Buffer area prior to additional Archaeological Assessment”.

The above is the appropriate wording for the protection of the Archaeological Potential Zone (APZ) on the subject site. Therefore, the proposed draft plan of subdivision and the zoning by-law amendment will be deemed consistent with policies 2.6.1 & 2.6.2 of the PPS upon receipt of MTCS letter of confirmation.

It should also be noted that Block 37 on the draft Plan is a remnant portion of the Archaeological Potential Zone, which would be conveyed to the Corporation of the City of Windsor to be reserved for future road allowance (Florence Avenue future extension). This conveyance of Block 37 to the City also protects the cultural heritage value of the subject area and ensures that Stage 3 assessment is undertaken at the appropriate time.

3.0 Development shall be directed away from areas of natural or human-made hazards where there is an unacceptable risk to public health or safety or of property damage, and not create new or aggravate existing hazards.

Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) is delegated the responsibility to represent provincial interest in Natural Hazards (PPS 2014) and regulatory responsibilities of the Conservation Authorities Act. ERCA was consulted on the subject planning matter and the following is an except from the comment they provided to the City: “We have reviewed this development proposal with regard to the natural hazard policies of the PPS and advise that flood risks pertaining to this property can be mitigated through our development review process”. “As the parcel falls within the regulated area of the Little River and Lake St. Clair, the property owner will be required to obtain a Permit from the Essex Region Conservation Authority prior to any construction or site alteration or other activities affected by the regulations.”

It should be noted that ERCA requested an ingress and egress report, which the applicant provided.

Based on ERCA’s comment, one can state that the proposed draft plan of subdivision and the zoning by-law amendment are consistent with policy 3.0 of the PPS or will be consistent with policy 3.0 of the PPS upon successfully completing ERCA’s development review process.

In summary, the above planning analysis and the planning analysis provided in the Planning Rationale Report prepared by the applicant’s Planning Consultant and dated July 02, 2019, confirms that the proposed draft plan of subdivision and the requested zoning by-law amendment are consistent with the relevant Policies of the PPS 2014.


The site is designated “Residential” in the Land Use Schedule D of City of Windsor Official Plan. The objectives and policies of the Residential land use designation establish the framework for development decisions in Residential areas within the City of Windsor.

As shown in the attached Appendix B to this report, the Official Plan supports a complementary range of housing forms, promotes compact residential form for new developments and also promotes selective residential infill and intensification initiative in the City of Windsor. See sections, and 6.3 1.3 of OP Vol.1.