occurrences of Species at Risk (SAR) on the property, though there are known occurrences of SAR in the general project area with potential to also occur in the hedgerows and thicket on the property”. MNRF further noted that “if the hedgerows and thicket are proposed to be retained, the project will likely not contravene the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA 2007).”

The proposed development shows protection of the hedgerow under Block 35 of the draft plan of subdivision, which the applicant proposes to convey to the City for Parkland. Therefore, the proposed draft plan of subdivision and the requested zoning by-law amendment are consistent with policy 2.1.7 of the PPS.

2.6.1 Significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved.

2.6.2 Development and site alteration shall not be permitted on lands containing archaeological resources or areas of archaeological potential unless significant archaeological resources have been conserved.

CRM Lab Archaeological Services prepared Stage 1 Archaeological Background Study and Stage 2 Archaeological Property Assessment Reports (Original Report and Supplementary Information) dated October 19, 2018, for the subject land. According to CRM Lab Archaeological Services, “the results of the Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment indicate that despite the extensive disturbance in the northern portion of the subject property, the southern portion of the subject property still retains potential for subsurface archaeological resources of cultural heritage value or interest (CHVI) related to the Nicodemo-Dupuis Site located directly to the south of the subject property. There is a very high probability that the Nicodemo-Dupuis Site does extend into the southern portion of the subject property”.

It was noted that further cultural heritage value or interest (CHVI) associated with the subject property would require further assessment prior to development of the southern portion of the subject property. Consequently, a Stage 3 Assessment was recommended along with options for avoiding the required Stage 3 assessment. The applicant is proposing to go along with the option to protect a 20m wide land area along the southern portion of the subject property (marked as Archeological Potential Zone on the Map above) by conveying the said area to the Corporation of the City of Windsor as Parkland (Block 35 on draft plan). The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports is satisfied with the recommended approach, provided they (MTCS) receive a formal letter from the City indicating the following as per the recommendations:

“1. The lands will be conveyed to the Municipality and that the Municipality is