Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, December 9, 2019

Wyandotte Street East) from Residential District (RD) 3.4 (RD3.4) and Holding - Residential District (RD) 2.2 (HRD2.2) with a site specific provision (S. 20 (1) 201) to Residential District (RD) 3.1, with site specific regulations as follows:

  1. Lot Frontage: Minimum - 30m
  2. Lot Area: Minimum - As Existing
  3. Main Building Height: Maximum - 24m
  4. Number of Dwelling Units: Maximum – 26


Report Number: S 216/2019

Clerk’s File: ZB/13640


There being no further business, the meeting of the Planning, Heritage and Economic Development Standing Committee is adjourned at 4:46 o’clock p.m.

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Ward 3 – Councillor Bortolin (Chairperson)          Thom Hunt (Secretary)