Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Committee Meeting
Monday, December 9, 2019

7.2   Request for Extension Draft Approval for Plan of Subdivision for lands located west of Luxury Avenue, from Firgrove Drive to Mchugh Street, as shown on the Location Map below; File No. SDN-005/19 [SDN/5944]; Applicant - 2595562 Ontario Limited, o/a Fanelli Real Estate; Ward 7

Justina Nwaesei (author), Senior Planner – is available for questions.

Bill Salzer (agent representing the applicant), Fanelli Real Estate – is available for questions.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Gyemi

Decision Number: DHSC 108

I THAT the application of 2595562 Ontario Limited, O/A Fanelli Real Estate for the extension of the Draft Approval of the Plan of Subdivision for the lands located west of Magnolia Avenue between Firgrove Drive and McHugh Street, as shown on Map No. SDN-005/19-1 (enclosed) BE APPROVED and, further, that the Draft Plan Approval Extension shall lapse on ____________ (3 years from the date of approval).


Report Number: S 219/2019

Clerk’s File: ZP/13641

7.3 Zoning By-law Amendment - 6550 & 6560 Wyandotte St. E-Management & International Trading Inc. Z017/19 ZNG/5938 - Ward 6

Jim Abbs (author), Senior Planner – presents application.

Melanie Muir (agent representing the applicant), Dillon Consulting Limited – is available for questions.

John Stasso (resident), 6565 Riverside Dr. East – states he has concerns about the water run off during rainstorms.

Mr. Winters responds to Mr. Stasso’s concerns and states that Site Plan Control will review storm water management.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 109

I THAT an amendment to City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600 BE APPROVED, changing the zoning of Part of Lots 120 and 121, Concession 1 (known municipally as 6550 and 6560