Item No. 7.1

Council Report: S 153/2019

Subject: Amendment No. 129 to the Official Plan - Open House Policies – City Wide OPA/5902


Date to Council: January 13, 2020
Author: Christopher Aspila MCIP, RPP
Planner III - Policy & Special Studies
Phone: 519-255-6543 x6446
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: December 16, 2019
Clerk’s File #: ZO/13669

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT Official Plan Amendment No. 129 – Open House Policies BE APPROVED and Official Plan Volume I BE AMENDED by the details of the amendment shown in this report; and,

  2. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a By-law to implement Official Plan Amendment No. 129.


The current City of Windsor Official Plan (Volume I: The Primary Plan) was adopted by City Council on October 25, 1999 and approved in part by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on March 28, 2000 with the remainder being approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on November 1, 2002. City Council has since approved a number of amendments to the Plan, some of which have been site specific while others have introduced changes that effect large areas or even the entire City.

Opportunities exist to learn from previous public participation and update open house practices to improve how the public is consulted. This Official Plan Amendment adds new open house policies that may be used for administrative review of applications, to provide opportunities that increase public awareness of development in Windsor and participation in open houses.


The purpose of this amendment is to add Open House policies to the City of Windsor Official Plan as allowed for under s. 22 (5), 34 (10.2) and 51 (18) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13. These following sections of the Planning Act are referenced to