provide an understanding of the information that can be required of applicant when requesting various types of development approval:

Section 22 – Request for amendment (Official Plan)

Other information

(5) A council or a planning board may require that a person or public body that requests an amendment to its official plan provide any other information or material that the council or planning board considers it may need, but only if the official plan contains provisions relating to requirements under this subsection. 2006, c. 23, s. 11 (4).

Section 34 – Zoning by-laws (Land use controls and related administration)

Other information

(10.2) A council may require that a person or public body that applies for an amendment to a by-law passed under this section or a predecessor of this section provide any other information or material that the council considers it may need, but only if the official plan contains provisions relating to requirements under this subsection. 2006, c. 23, s. 15 (4).

Section 51 – Plan of subdivision approvals (Subdivision of land)

Other information

(18) An approval authority may require that an applicant provide any other information or material that the approval authority considers it may need, but only if the official plan contains provisions relating to requirements under this subsection. 2006, c. 23, s. 22 (2).

Policy Changes in the Official Plan Amendment

For certain applications as identified by the City Planner or designate it may be desirable for the applicant to hold an open house during the pre-consultation stage of the application. The purpose of such an open house is to provide greater opportunity for consultation by the applicant with the residents, property owners and stakeholders who may be impacted by the proposal before the application is deemed to be complete. The intent of this approach is to provide a forum for dialogue with the applicant early in the process. This creates the opportunity for the applicant to make choices about how they may proceed with the application and provides the applicant, Administration and the area residents/property owners with additional information about potential issues that may arise as part of the application.

Official Plan Volume I, Chapter 10, section 10.2.19 – Open House Policies is added to the Plan as follows: