indicated that they had positive referral arrangements for them to refer to shelters where required and that shelters referred to them when appropriate.

Interactions with Services for Indigenous Peoples

In terms of connections with Indigenous service providers, the Welcome Centre has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Can AM Indian Friendship Centre for when they have a mutual client. The MOU allows them to share information and coordinate support. A similar relationship is not in place at the other shelters. Can AM Indian Friendship Centre reported that they have gone to look for people at the Downtown Mission during meals, but they don’t have a specific worker to connect with.

Interactions with Service Providers for Pets

The shelters have connections with the Humane Society to provide boarding for pets. Given the limited availability of space, they try to do short-term boarding only. An agreement must be signed with the pet owner if the pet is boarded for more than five nights. They generally only do emergency situations and will not provide boarding for homelessness that was related to an eviction. However, they are flexible if the individual is actively looking for housing and showing an interest in having their pet back.