7.0 Interaction with and Impacts of other Services/Systems/Institutions

Interaction with Other Systems/Institutions

There are limited supportive housing options in the community, which likely has an impact on the number of clients that are being referred to shelters from various systems/institutions.

The Salvation Army received approximately 313 individuals from other systems/institutions over the two-year period from November 2017 to October 2019, not including the 10 admissions to is C hildren’s Aid Society program 30 . The breakdown by system/institution is as follows:

These intakes represent approximately 13% of all intakes.

For the fiscal year 2018-2019, the Welcome Centre served 132 clients whose previous accommodation was another system/institution:

These clients represent approximately 9% of all intakes.

These statistics suggest an opportunity for the housing and homelessness service system to work upstream with systems partners to develop and implement collaborative protocols to coordinate discharge planning to support transitions to appropriate housing.

Based on interviews with transitional housing providers serving refugees/newcomers, they refer to the emergency shelters when they are at capacity.

As part of the review, transitional housing providers were asked whether they accept people experiencing homelessness who are in need of emergency accommodation, and generally they do not. Therefore, any coordinated access processes that are established for emergency shelter would not need to involve a broader range of shelter and transitional housing providers. Transitional housing providers