August 4, 2020
Regular City Council Meeting
Item 8.8
Additional Information

From: Bruce Shearon
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 11:45 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: ICB Exemption 2020-8

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To whom it may concern.

I am writing in regards to the exemption of By-law 78-2019 by Dillon Consulting Inc, on behalf of 4207785 Canada Inc, for the property located at 2650 Metcalfe. I reside at 1360 Albert Rd, which is on the corner of Albert and Metcalfe. And I have to say that the entire time that the company running its business at this location, life for anyone around it was miserable. For myself, it was the constant noise all through the night. The loading and unloading of trucks would actually shake my house at times. The other complaint for everybody, and every business located around this site, was the constant dirt and dust that would be kicked up. Vehicles would have to be washed daily because they were covered in dirt. The car dealership on the corner of my street had to employ a person full time for this very reason. There is also the question of safety, due to the large trucks coming and going on residential streets. It was a nightmare for both homeowners such as myself, and any business operating on Drouillard. I sincerely hope this exemption does not go through.

This type of company should not be allowed to operate at this location.

Thank You.

Bruce Shearon.