August 4, 2020
Regular City Council Meeting
Item 8.8
Additional Information
From: Melissa K Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 11:39 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Re: 2650 Metcalfe Street
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I am emailing in regard to 2650 Metcalfe Street, Windsor, Ontario.
It has come to my attention that yet again, city council will be discussing this property. This property, which is over in Ford City has had many noise issues, dust issues, and safety issues as well. I would like to touch on these issues.
During the winter months, we are able to hear the different trucks being latched. It sounds like a gun shot going off. This sound in the middle of the night wakes you up. This is not only able to be heard from those of us right on Drouillard, but on surrounding streets. If this were to be the only issue, then, this really isn’t reason for you to be turning down the request of the company, however, there is more.
The dust, when we have windy days, the dust flies with or without vehicles going through the property. Now, when vehicles, ie. trucks drive through the property, it throws a cloud of dust everywhere, including down the street. At times our street looks much like a beach that just is missing the water. We also watch the clouds of dust make it difficult for their trucks to see oncoming traffic and pedestrians. My children have nearly been hit by one of the trucks as well and on many occasions had the dust thrown into their eyes, and they wear glasses!
Lastly, safety, this property is next door to not only a park, but a splash pad as well. We have kids who walk there, and it is problematic when they have trucks that can’t see kids walking on the sidewalks there. The sidewalks are there for the people’s safety, and when they are not safe there, well, we have anarchy.
Now, none of the residents here would have issue with businesses conducting business, if they were to be good neighbours, however, they have shown a complete disregard to the other citizens in the neighbourhood. We should not take our vehicles to get them washed at the car wash, only to have them covered in a layer of dust the very same day! We power wash our homes, and then they are covered in the dust again, making all the hard work pointless. This may not be a glamorous neighbourhood to some, but for some of us, we put down roots, decided to raise a family here, even are proud of our gardens. Personally, I am raising two children here in Ford City, one who has Autism, right here on Drouillard. He rides his special tricycle by a company called Mobo at the park there, and we wouldn’t have it any other way, so please keep our area safe is all that we ask.
Sincerely,Melissa Amber Kozak
Drouillard Rd, since September 2008.