August 4, 2020
Regular City Council Meeting
Item 8.8
Additional Information

From: Heimat Windsor
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 11:38 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Trucking company on Drouillard

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Just writing to voice our opinion on the trucking yard at Metcalfe and Drouillard. The truck traffic creates an absurd amount of dust and mud depending on the weather and the noise is very disruptive to our patio guests.

We would oppose any exemptions they are seeking from council.

Heimat Windsor Banquet Centre Team

Heimat Windsor Banquet Centre
p: 519 915-9821
a: 1367 Drouillard Road
w: e:

Heimat Windsor Banquet Centre p: 519 915-9821 a: 1367 Drouillard Road w: e: