COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS Council shall encourage commercial schools to locate along roadways with transit.

TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE DESIGN Council shall support transit friendly design by:

  1. Planning for compact, higher density developments along nodes and corridors;
  2. Creating street layouts that can accommodate transit vehicles;
  3. Considering transit in the early stages of planning;
  4. Creating grid networked streets;
  5. Promoting urban design that encourages walking and cycling; and
  6. Requiring entranceways proximate to the public right of way to reduce walking distances for pedestrians, particularly those who are mobility impaired. 

SCHOOL AREA TRANSPORTATION Council and the School Boards shall promote a safe travel environment near schools by:

  1. Ensuring that new elementary school locations are central to the area that they intend to serve to reduce the need for buses to transport students;
  2. Ensuring that the location of new schools limits the need for children to cross Arterial Roads;
  3. Encouraging the use of traffic calming near elementary schools constructed in new neighbourhoods;
  4. Coordinating the location of new schools with transit.
  5. Maintaining a policy for school areas that may include:
    1. Reduced speed limits in school zones;
    2. No stopping areas near school crossings to ensure visibility of crossing guards and children;
    3. Appropriate parking and stopping restrictions along school frontages in consultation with the affected School Board and local residents.