TRANSIT SUPPORTIVE DEVELOPMENT Council shall support transit by planning for compact mixed-use, higher density residential, commercial and employment development within concentrated nodes and corridors that are adjacent to higher order transit corridors.

MINIMIZING VEHICLE TRIPS AND TRAVEL DISTANCES Council shall implement land use patterns that promote sustainable travel by locating land uses within reasonable walking or cycling distance by:

  1. Encouraging development that include an appropriate mix of residential, commercial and employment lands within reasonable walking distance of each other;
  2. Planning higher density developments in areas along major transportation corridors and nodes;
  3. Integrating land use and transportation planning decisions by ensuring each fit the context of each other’s specific needs.

TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT Council and Transit Windsor will encourage employers to manage their travel demand by:

  1. Promoting the use of ride sharing and car-pooling to reduce parking demand and to reduce vehicles on nearby streets;
  2. Promoting the use of bulk or special transit pass purchases by employers for employees that offer discounts over regular transit pass prices and encourage transit usage;
  3. Encouraging companies to alternate hours of work to reduce the peak hour traffic and parking demand.

POST SECONDARY STUDENT TRANSPORTATION Council shall encourage post secondary institutions to implement tuitionbased bus pass programs to reduce travel and parking demand.