RESTRICT ONSTREET PARKING Council may restrict on-street parking in a manner that does not conflict with future and planned uses of the right of way by: 

  1. Removing on-street parking where the added roadway space is required to install left or right turn lanes;
  2. Removing on-street parking where the added roadway space may be required to install bicycle lanes;
  3. Removing on-street parking where the added roadway space if required for transit purposes;
  4. Removing on-street parking where there is a need to move traffic more efficiently;
  5. Removing on-street parking where the City has constructed off street lots to offset the loss of on-street parking. 

ON STREET PARKING – STREET SCAPING Council may permit on-street parking as part of a streetscaping plan designed to create a buffer between road traffic and pedestrian sidewalk areas.

BICYCLE PARKING Council shall make provision for bicycle parking spaces by requiring bicycle spaces at all developments.


 TRANSPORTATION Council shall recognize the link between land use and transportation systems by:

  1. Focusing office development and high-density employment and high density residential in areas which have access to transit and pedestrian amenities;
  2. Encouraging commercial and employment uses within 400 metres to 800 metres of residential areas to promote the use of active transportation and to promote transit service.


SUSTAINABLE SITE DESIGN Council shall require the use of sustainable site design during the Site Plan Control process to ensure accessibility for all pedestrians and cyclists by: 

  1. Requiring buildings and access points to buildings be placed to provide convenient access to the public right of way;