COOPERATION & COORDINATION Council shall work to achieve the coordinated planning, expansion and maintenance of the transportation system in cooperation with other public agencies and private organizations to promote increased density of development.

ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS Council shall promote development patterns that support an increase in walking, cycling and public transportation in accordance with the Land Use and Urban Design chapters of this Plan.

BALANCED TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Council shall develop a balanced transportation system by: 

  1. Adopting strategies and programs that increase public transportation use, cycling and walking;
  2. Implementing the land use policies of this Plan that provide for a more compact urban form and are intended to reduce the growth in home based trip making;
  3. Maintaining a road level-of-service that optimizes the use of the existing network;
  4. Directing the expansion of existing roads or the construction of new ones in association with the application of transportation demand management strategies; and
  5. Implementing the urban design policies of this Plan that provide for an improved street environment.
  6. Implementing traffic calming devices in existing neighbourhoods and requiring traffic calming in new neighbourhoods consistent with the Traffic Calming Policy.

TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES Council may require traffic calming devices on: 

  1. Existing roads;
  2. All proposed development;
  3. Infrastructure undertakings;