Multiple improvements are proposed on the subject site including an increased buffer strip between the site and the existing residential dwellings located to the south, increased landscaping on the subject site, new paving to replace the existing gravel, upgrades to the existing access onto Drouillard Road, improved site circulation and improved lighƟng.

The development is located in an area where other industrial businesses are located and separation buffers are provided between the industrial uses and nearby residential uses. Drouillard Road and St. Luke Road appear to serve the industrial uses while the residenal uses are served by alternate local roads.

The Zoning By-law 8600 permits transport terminals as the main use in the MD2.1 Zone. The site is used exclusively for the existing transport terminal. Transport terminals are defined as an ‘industrial use’ in Zoning By-law 8600. The MD2.1 Zone permits industrial uses as a main use on the subject site. Therefore, a Zoning By-law Amendment is not required to permit the existing use on the subject site.

3.4.3 Employment

The PPS speaks to providing for an appropriate mix and range of employment uses to meet long-term needs (PPS, 1.3.1). The current use of the subject site provides an employment use in lands designated industrial. Businesses and industries are encouraged to locate and expand in the employment areas (City of Windsor OP Section 6.4.2).

The present use provides a continued opportunity for economic development on the subject site and employment opportunities at an appropriate location (City of Windsor OP Section 4.2.6). The subject site is located in close proximity to other employment uses including industrial and commercial uses which contribute to the use of the land as an acƟve employment centre (City of Windsor OP Section 3.2.2).

3.4.4 Transportation System

The PPS encourages development that promotes a dense land use pattern which minimizes the length and number of vehicle trips, and encourages the use of transit and active transportation methods (PPS, & 1.8.1 (b)). The subject site is located on an existing bus route and adjacent to existing bus stops on Drouillard Road. The development is ideally located for encouraging the use of transit by employees and truck drivers who park their transport trucks on the site. The development is also located approximately 4 km from the E.C. Row Expressway and 15 km from Highway 401. The close proximity to the expressway and the highway can help to reduce the length of trips taken by transport trucks from the highway to essenƟal services such as transport terminals. The upgrades to the exisƟng driveway will provide direct access to Drouillard Road while the Metcalfe Street access will only be uƟlized for emergency access. The upgrade of the direct access to Drouillard Road removes truck traffic from Metcalfe Street and moves the traffic away from the residenƟal uses located to the south of the subject site.