3.4.1 Location

With respect to settlement areas, the PPS recognizes that the vitality of these areas is critical to the long-term economic prosperity of communities. According to the PPS, settlement areas should be the focus of growth and development and that their regeneration shall be promoted (PPS,

The development is located in an appropriate area within the City’s planned settlement boundaries and in an area intended for industrial activity. No negative impacts are anticipated from traffic, air quality or climate on the surrounding area. Drouillard Road is a truck route as identified by the City of Windsor Truck Route Map and is freight-supportive (PPS, The truck route system is required to minimize the intrusion of trucks into sensitive areas while providing acceptable access to business and industries (City of Windsor OP SecƟon

The subject site is located approximately 15 km from the Highway 401 and approximately 4 km from the E.C. Row Expressway. Transport terminals should be located in close proximity to major transportation corridors in order to reduce the length of trips required for transport trucks to travel between the major transportation corridors and the transport terminals. Freight-intensive uses are intended to be located in areas that are well served by major highways (PPS, 1.8). The subject site is located near Tecumseh Road and Wyandotte Street, two truck routes which provide access to both the east and west sides of the City.

The existing use, the transport terminal, is a permiƩed use in the Industrial designation (City of Windsor OP Section Industrial developments are to be located where the industrial use can be sufficiently separated and/or buffered from sensitive land uses (City of Windsor OP Section the property is buffered from the nearest residentially designated lands by the Metcalfe Street right-of-way and a 11.8 metre strip of hard landscaping between the southern property line and the transport truck parking area.

There is also a low retaining wall and security fence buffering the residential land. The subject site is separated from the low density residential uses to the east by commercial land uses and a major road (Drouillard Road). The applicant is proposing to upgrade the existing driveway on Drouillard Road to improve accessibility and further reduce the truck traffic along Metcalfe Street.

3.4.2 Land Use

The PPS states that major faciliƟes and sensitive land uses should be planned to ensure they are buffered and/or separated from each other (PPS, This is to ensure that adverse effects from odour, noise and other contaminants are prevented or mitigated, and that the risk is minimized for public health and safety. This request proposes to establish a permitted and compatible land use on the subject land currently designated Industrial in the City of Windsor Official Plan (City of Windsor OP Section

Industrial developments are to be located where they can be sufficiently separated and/or buffered from sensitive land uses, have access to an arterial road, have full municipal services, and direct industry related traffic away from residenƟal areas (City of Windsor OP Section