1.1 Purpose

Dillon Consulting Limited (Dillon) has been retained by 4207785 Canada Inc., to request an exemption from Interim Control By-law 78-2019 for the subject lands known as 2650 Metcalfe Street in the City of Windsor. The subject site is located along Metcalfe Street with addiƟonal frontage and access on Drouillard Road to the east (refer to Figure 1.0 – LocaƟon Map).

The property is currently designated and zoned in the City of Windsor Official Plan and Zoning By-law 8600 as follows:

City of Windsor Official Plan – Schedule D: Land Use  

City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600– Schedule A: Zoning District Map 7

The applicant is seeking an exempƟon from the Interim Control By-law 78-2019 to permit the exisƟng transport terminal on the site. The applicant currently uƟlizes the site for a transport storage area/transport terminal. There is one site trailer on the subject site. The exisƟng transport terminal has been located on the land for a number of years. The applicant is currently applying for Site Plan Control approval for the subject site.

1.2 Description of Site

As mentioned, the subject site is located directly north of Metcalfe Street and west of Drouillard Road (refer to Figure 1.0 - Location Map). The subject site is legally described as Lots 1 to 4 and Lot 86 on RP 1149, Part Closed Alley and Part Lot 55, RP 1216.

The total site under application is approximately 1.83 hectares (4.53 acres) having approximately 142.3 m (467 ft) of frontage on Metcalfe Street and 61 m (200.1 ft) of frontage on Drouillard Road. Access to the site is provided via Drouillard Road.

1.3 Proposed Development

The applicant wishes to continue to use the site for the existing use; a transport terminal. The subject site contains 93 parking spots for transport trucks and 17 parking spots for cars. The subject site is fenced by an existing 1.8 m chainlink security fence. The applicant is proposing an upgrade to the exisƟng driveway